Advogent. Vladikavkaz, Russia

Views: 33

Man is born, and from the first moment of life he is surrounded by people. Everywhere we come in contact with other people, legal entities and the state. We enter into legal relations. It is something that surrounds us always and everywhere.
At the same time, coming into contact, we are not immune from conflicts with your neighbours, passersby, traffic police, employers, emergency situations with children at school, on the street, at the Institute... In any area of life, wherever you are.
Of course, each of us is somehow trying to solve these issues: call a friend, advice from friends and relatives, many hours of sitting on the Internet for information. Some of us simply give up saying "Why to do something - you still lose..."


Northern Ossetia - Alania Republic
Vladikavkaz city

str. Dzhanaeva, 42

tel. 280-340
tel. 8 (928) 685-40-86
Actual on 01.01.2018