DNA Express. Vladimir, Russia

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Establishing paternity by DNA analysis. A DNA test for paternity, maternity and kinship in Vladimir
DNA analysis to establish paternity, maternity and other degrees of kinship in Vladimir and Vladimir region.
We‘re doing a DNA test for paternity and other kinship within 5 working days! In addition to DNA test our services:
genetic analysis (or as it is called "examination of paternity", "relationship examination" or "examination of motherhood"
- DNA test to establish maternity, paternity and kinship anonymously!
Genetic analysis and DNA analysis (aka DNA) in just 5 business days!
Cooperate with the courts in Vladimir region and the most successful lawyers at family law!
If necessary, carry out all kinds of DNA test ANONYMOUSLY!
Get a free consultation by phone: (4922) 60-09-50
Go to the site: www.dnkexpress.ru


Vladimir Oblast
Vladimir city

str. Studenaya Gora, 36

tel. 8 (4922) 60-09-50

Actual on 01.01.2018