We are glad to offer You cooperation in the field of transportation and construction equipment rental and courier and moving services.
Reasonable prices, a minimum flow TC, individual approach, own Park of trucks and pieces of equipment, a wide range of services.
All this allows us qualitatively and in time perform any set before us, tasks.
We work both with legal and with physical persons, for cash and cashless payments with substantial delays for regular customers!
We have something to offer You!
We are always open to new things and always happy to find the best solution!
In the Park 5 fuel tankers (11050 m3, m3 18610, 18920 m3, m3 33233, 37212 m3). All machines are equipped with pumps.
The company Centercenter offers on transport:
Travel to airports, train stations, business meetings, miniscore, pick up and delivery of guests,weddings and other events on the business class car.
Cash and cashless payments.
All the conditions for this service can be found on the website.