Consulting of Vladivostok

Consulting :

Total items: 154, Views: 175584
Vladivostok, 4-ya Prigorodnaya str., 5

tel. +7 (423) 298-56-18
Actual on 01.01.2018
Pantheon DV
Vladivostok, str. Dobrovolskogo, 20

tel. +7 (999) 616-04-13
Actual on 01.01.2018
Vladivostok, 690087, str. Snegovaya, 1

tel. 207-76-12

The main goal of the company is providing a wide range of information and analytical services to companies and individuals, as well as obtaining the necessary background information for making business decisions.

The list of services:

• Writing business plans (for banks, investors, obtaining state subsidies),
• Writing Express business plans
• Writing the financial plan (calculation of investments, cost recovery, costs, profits),
• Preparation of commercial proposals for customers and partners
• Marketing research
---- Competitive analysis (analysis of sentences),
---- Consumer analysis (demand analysis),
---- The method "the Secret buyer",
---- Information gathering from public sources
• Consulting on mergers and acquisitions
---- Search for potential transaction participants,
---- Cost of business
---- Negotiating and agreeing the terms of a merger or acquisition,
---- Transaction support,
• Monitoring of Russian mass media (communication and information control)
---- Media digest,
---- Monitoring media and blogs
---- Sending important news
---- Industry overview media
---- Calendar of events
• Registration of entrepreneurs and legal entities
• Writing commercial articles and making presentations,
• Social and political studies.

Our products are piece goods. Each of them developed individually for a specific project, so we do not have a single price list.

The specialists of "Alliance" is always ready to provide You with the appropriate consultation. From our side we guarantee high quality, a truly individual approach to Your project and reasonable prices.

business plan on ordering, buy business plan, marketing research, media monitoring, to make a commercial offer, registration IP, LLC registration

Actual on 01.01.2018
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