Tekhprom, OOO. Vladivostok, Russia

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Trading network "Tekhprom" is the official dealer of the factories of the Corporation "TechnoNIKOL" (stone wool, XPS, mild shingles, roll roofing and waterproofing, bitumen primer and mastic), "Knauf insulation" (the whole line "Teplosnab"), "Kronospan OSB", "Termolen and Thermogut", construction film "Nanosol".

Materials in stock, transit deliveries to the customer‘s warehouse or packaging of containers.
Implementation of shipments to Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Magadan, Chukotka.
The company invites to cooperation the trade and construction companies.

In stock:

Insulation: stone wool bazalit, "Teplosnab", "XPS Technoplex", insulation between the beams "Termolen lanjut";
Roofing, waterproofing materials: "Roofing", "Stekloizol", "Bikrost", "Bipol", "unifleks", "Technoelast", "Technoelastmost";
Bitumen mastic and primers: "AguaMast", "Isobox", "TechnoNIKOL" - № 01, № 21, № 23, № 24;
Shingles "Shinglas" c, fully loaded, including elements of ventilation, water drainage system PVC;
Profiled membranes "Planter", the sealing tape "Nicoband";
OSB-3 Kronoshpan - 9 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm;
Construction film "Nanosol".


Primorsky Krai
Vladivostok city

690074, str. Karernaya, 20a

tel. +7 (914) 066-73-20

Actual on 01.01.2018