Shopping center "Pervorechenskij" has a good location in the zone of active transport and pedestrian flow, good visibility from the roadway. On the square near the Central entrance to a children‘s complexes and there are many benches to relax on. The shopping center consists of a basement and two floors, where visitors are offered a wide range of products (the Cherry orchard, the Golden time, a Hair shop, the Owl (office, books), Galperti (the sale of tickets for shows), the Climate Plus World Windows, Caprice (salon of curtains), Chaykof (tea, coffee), Kaoru and Kazumi (goods from Japan), Al (goldsmith), Pellets (dry cleaning), still image (photography), Fish island (seafood), Pimpish (seafood), Korean cuisine (salads), miniature, ATMs and terminals, household goods, household goods, fresh meat, fruit and vegetables, dairy products, honey, dried fruit, flowers, Lombard). Also you can spend time visiting the café "Brioche", "Bon appétit" and Piratcafe. Secure surface Parking for 72 vehicles from the side street of Khabarovsk.