Agatstroy TD, LTD. Volzhsky, Russia

Views: 48

With our materials, able to solve any problems quickly and on time, with 100% guaranteed quality! These materials have stood the test of time and proved themselves well. Not found what you need? Call us and we will gladly assist in selecting a solution.

For Customers

Favorable terms;
Flexible pricing policy;
Full technical support;
Optimized logistics to warehouse;
Work with design organizations;

For builders and designers

Complete system solutions;
Assistance in solving technical issues;
A basic adjacency;
Assistance in the subsequent re-examination;
The efficiency of interaction at all stages;
Development of unique technical solutions.


Volgograd Oblast
Volzhsky city

str. Molodezhnaya, 15

tel. +7 (902) 310-85-07
tel. +7 (961) 085-99-22
Actual on 01.01.2018