Higher educational institutions of Vologda

Higher educational institutions :

Total items: 68, Views: 232723
Vologda, str. Gorkogo, 115

tel. +7 (8172) 27-84-26
Actual on 01.01.2018
Institute of Business KNOW Higher Professional Education ...
Vologda, 160000, str. Gorkogo, 93

tel. +7 (8172) 24-04-00
Actual on 01.01.2018
Saint-Petersburg humanitarian University of trade unions, representative office in Vologda ...
Vologda, str. Lermontova, 19

tel. +7 (8172) 72-96-33
Actual on 01.01.2018
Branch of the Institute of international law and Economics named after A. S. Griboedova in Vologda ...
Vologda, 160029, str. Mashinostroitelnaya, 29

tel. 28-58-24

The branch in the city of Vologda is the successor of Training and consultative centre of IMPA in the city of Vologda, established by order of the President of INE them. A. S. Griboedov and registered by the Decision of the city Administration of Vologda № 788 from 31.03.1995.

Has state accreditation. The certificate of state accreditation № 0209 (series BB № 000211) from 17 February 2010.
Appendix No. 9 to Certificate of state accreditation on February 17, 2010.

License (perpetual) for the right of conducting educational activity in the sphere of professional education dated 31 March 2011 (registration No. 1146, Series AAA No. 001180), issued by the Federal service for supervision in education and science.
The list of areas of training:

Faculty of law
invites you to study in the direction of preparation of bachelors in "Law" (030500) with the qualification of bachelor of law.

Economic faculty
invites for training in directions of preparation of bachelors in "Economy" (080100) and Management (080500) qualification, respectively the "bachelor of Economics" and " "bachelor of management".

All the students are completely provided with educational and methodical literature. Library Fund branch has more than 40 thousand books.

Students are given the opportunity to use additional literature: meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, Bulletins of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Legislation of the Vologda region, the periodic Central and local political Newspapers, reference and bibliographic literature of various kinds.
Computer class branch of the Institute has free access to the Internet.

Students in accordance with the requirements of State standards of training specialists (bachelors) fully provided with places for internship. The University has arrangements with the Prosecutor‘s office and the courts, banks and firms.

Actual on 01.01.2018
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