Repair company Windows and doors Omniserve. Vorkuta, Russia

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Our company specializiruetsya in the repair of Windows and doors, as well as on the adjustment and their service, replacement glass, work lights, manufacturer of mosquito nets, glazing of balconies and loggias. So we are familiar with all the nuances of this case;
We employ skilled craftsmen, this protects the customer, as Amateurs sometimes screw up, learning on the client, and sometimes can not solve the problem... we Have no such things;
We have stock of accessories and many different parts, which significantly speeds up the process of provision of assistance to the applicants;
Our company keeps very reasonable prices for the repair of plastic Windows and other services, plus we always have stock and are held periodically one-time promotional event.


Komi Republic
Vorkuta city

Privokzalnyy pereulok, 2

tel. 8 (800) 222-39-60
Actual on 01.01.2018