MEDINVEST, centre of clinical ophthalmology. Voronezh, Russia

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Center of clinical ophthalmology "Medinvest" offers its services in the treatment and diagnosis of eye diseases. Any problem, be it rare or common medical condition, can be solved by the specialists of our center.
In our work we use the latest design from the United States, Japan, Germany. Perfection of used technologies allows us to carry out all types of treatment on an outpatient basis. This not only saves your time (you will go back home the day of surgery) and money (you don‘t have to pay for the hospital stay).
Over the years we have gained a truly invaluable experience that allows us to say today no need to go to Europe or America. Any problem with vision can be addressed at the highest level without leaving Voronezh.


Voronezh Oblast
Voronezh city

str. Studencheskaya, 12a

tel. +7 (473) 262-22-17
Actual on 01.01.2018