Treatment Center Back "Thank You, Doctor!". Voronezh, Russia

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Treatment center Back "Thank you, Doctor!" has been operating since 2009 and provides medical care to all in need: citizens and visitors, young and elderly people, children from 4 years. The main direction of the clinic – vertebronevrologia, i.e. the treatment of diseases of the spine and nervous system. For a comprehensive treatment clinic specialists use the methods of manual therapy, massage, acupuncture, hirudotherapy, physiotherapy. Treatment is carried out in accordance with the standards of medical care. Taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient are made treatment programs.


Voronezh Oblast
Voronezh city

str. 45 Strelkovoy divizii, 62 «A», ul K

tel. 8 (920) 211-68-96
tel. 8 (473) 229-68-96
Actual on 01.01.2018