Peferred - focused on the development of children of different age categories and the provision of guidance to adults, using modern teaching resources and equipment. Instructors will conduct their classes with the children, thereby creating stressful situations related to education. Based on the work of this unit is cognitive development, language development, musculoskeletal system, motor skills, and monitoring psychological health.
For children
- robotics (Lego WeDo, Lego EV3, Arduino) (practical skill of designing, programming, participation in competitions, NPK, exhibitions)
administration package Visual Basic 2013 (application development Windows)
- 3D modeling and animation (Blender editor)
- game development (developing interactive applications and games on the platform, Blender, Unity)
- administration of software products (the acquisition of practical skills in the use of many useful programs and build a computer)
administration of the program Pervologo (development of interactive applications, animation, extension programming knowledge)
- electrical engineering (practical study of circuit design, development and use of various power sources, the practical skill of soldering, drafting)
- mastoplastica (making things out of dough)
- art Studio (the acquisition of practical skills in the visual arts)
- pescateria, the therapy (for the smallest from 3 years )
- preparing for school
group development
- tutoring
- educational robotics (Lego WeDo, Lego EV3, Arduino)
- A set of Pertra (Pertra) - game kit psychologist, kindergarten teacher
- interactive equipment in education (interactive equipment Mimio, Smart Board, voting system, document camera, projector).
digital labs in education (software and hardware) - einstein, Archimedes (Nova 5000)
digital educational resources
• live physics
• live math
• pervologo and lagomera
• products exam-media
• living geography
• Googl+
• Internet resources
- administration of software products (development of skills useful software) (proper computer)
- 3D modeling and animation (developing 3D models, creating animations)
administration Visual Basic 2013 (programming in this environment, application development)
At the end of seminars and courses will be issued certificates.