Welcome to the cozy and comfortable hotel of our city for living, leisure and business meetings for days and hours. Flexible tariffs. Breakfast , dinner and wireless Internet included in the price (free). The package of documents for organizations, including for budget. All rooms have split systems, fridges, Led TVs, reading all formats
9 Nights is a network of house hotels high comfort level.
To our guests we provide quality service, a wide range of services at prices lower than in hostels and mini-hotels.
All apartments are located in different areas of the city. Apartment can choose near businesses, attractions and other infrastructure.
sutochnaya apartment for rent in Voronezh is a great alternative to hotels. Rental housing for rent is becoming more and more preferred way to get in the city for the guests. The financial aspect is not decisive here, though to rent an apartment for a day or several in Voronezh order of magnitude less expensive than staying in a hotel. It seems that the growing popularity of rental apartments are easily explained by the human desire for comfort. Our apartments offers apartments for rent in different areas of the city.
Rooms from 500 rubles.