LAJJF, OOO. Yoshkar-Ola, Russia

Views: 91

BUILD HOUSES FROM KRENNERITE BLOCKS, any stone, brick, block AT factory PRICES!!!!Rent all houses with heating "ZEBRA"SEIZE the MOMENT!! House for rent is actually TOGETHER WITH GK "LIFE"!!!! HURRY up to ORDER a HOUSE before the hot season, with the first rays of the sun, prices of construction materials will go up. WE BUILD YEAR ROUND!!! Meet at our facilities!! join our group in the social. Seth. Looking for a house for his family? I watched a lot of options, but not satisfied with the layout, dimensions, materials or the price? Just a house not yet built! Let us replace Your apartment for a new home! We invite You to build your dream home, which will take into account all Your wishes! Modern construction market offers a huge number of new materials for the economical construction! We will help You to build a house at an affordable price! Trust our experience - building a house takes more time than the selection and purchase of a suitable home. Besides, You will save a decent amount of money in the construction, because the cost of already built homes increased 1.5-2 times. You only need to purchase the land (if You don‘t have it). Currently a huge number of good proposals on sites within and near the city. Finding a good land is much easier than any house! We build on the model and individual projects, pictures from the Internet and magazines. We will advise you on the selection of building materials and construction technology. We offer construction materials: bricks, masonry mesh, cement, lightweight aggregate blocks, cellulose fibre insulation, heating EVOLUTION of Zebra (Zebra-evolution)EVOLUTION of MSO "Zebra" is a system of primary or secondary space heating for various purposes., composite rebar. Most importantly, we are manufacturers CREMAGNANI blocks GK LIFE (block), iron doors life, forged products and metal products. Also we are the official dealers of plastic Windows profile Rehau and Wintech. All of this will greatly reduce Your costs for these materials when working with us. A large number of completed private buildings in Yoshkar-Ola and Republic of Mari El. It is possible to view the work done in live, to communicate with customers. Construction costs are 15-17 thousand rubles. per 1 sq. m. Building fast and reliable! After us You don‘t have to redo anything. Experience more than 16 years. House for rent is actually TOGETHER WITH GC LIFE! Call us! (8362) 51-24-24, 50-99-21


Mari El Republic
Yoshkar-Ola city

424000, str. Yakova Eshpaya, 132a

tel. +7 (917) 715-50-50
tel. 51-24-24
Actual on 01.01.2018