Busova Tatiana. Yuzhnouralsk, Russia

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We have everything you need for rehabilitation and treatment of the body.
Orthopedic shoes for the treatment of valgus, varus deformity of the foot. Orthotics and arch supports.
The product for foot - retainers fingers, bandages abductor big toe silicone protectors.
Postoperative bandages, bandages compression and warming, corsets, reclinators, splint. Bandages prenatal and postnatal.
Compression hosiery - socks, stockings, tights, socks, sleeves.
AIDS - canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, duck seat toilet, the nozzle on the toilet, anti-bedsore mattresses and pillows.
The irradiators bactericidal, ultraviolet, infrared. Salt warmers and lamps.
Orthopedic mattresses and pillows for children and adults.
Massagers, applicators.


Chelyabinsk Oblast
Yuzhnouralsk city

457040, str. Kosmonavtov, 6

tel. +7 (950) 726-83-00

Actual on 01.01.2018