The Union of pawnshops. Zeya, Russia

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Federal network UNION of PAWNSHOPS (open company "Pawnshop southern Express",
since 1998) provides funds secured by:
- articles of gold and silver;
- digital technology (laptops, tablets, SLR cameras,
phones based on Android, devices trademarks of Apple);
- ancient coins;
- vehicles and self-propelled machines (no transmission to the Parking lot of a pawnshop);
High score, low interest rate.
Loans are provided for periods from 1 day to 1 year, preferential month - in law.
Without penalties and commissions.
In addition, the Lombard makes the sale of unredeemed pledges (b/a
gold and digital technics) at competitive prices. Storage – free. On
the period of the Lombard possessions in favor of the mortgagor.


Amur Oblast
Zeya city

str. Shohina, 4

tel. 8 (924) 684-81-80
Actual on 01.01.2018