School – TSE not tilki meeting place zdobuttya osti, TSE skladova life, ditini I mi Stormo umove for a garmonijnih development, panana myself I rozumna NSA, panana world, raskrita potential, ntereso to navchannya TA formuvannya navicp samananda, statnet misliti I dati separatist separatist Neuchatel Doskolovich, motivate yourself.
Our meta: stvorennya happy OSTO space that atmosphere radost for development, detini and raskrita : tvortsovo potential.
Main the challenge: stvorennya school, Yak b diti Sakhnova, usual svoï talanty I zdno, I CL Mriya‘s, and roads to h desagana have pregnen the way, Timi, Kim stink hochut bootie.
For whom our school:
batkiv, that razumot, scho Nashi derzhavni school not tilki not give potrebnih navicp for life ditin, but I ubivaut bazhannia succulent to learning;
batkiv, that amyraut the right to freedom vibro in out so, ditini;
batkiv, that shukhuti features zabezpechiti harmonine rozvytok their ditin;
batkiv, that pragoti baciti Maslow Ochi so, ditini on the way . zrostannya;
parenting, Yakima curiously Neuchatel not have zvychainy skol;
parenting, yaki hochut curiously Neuchatel I rozvivati their prirodno joy panana;
for kids, that navchayutsya for externato form navchannya.
If vashi has not sarajevan children to school, mi domovskou from school, yaky stink will sarajevan on externato form navchannya I together with cu school roslavlev system oceniania on RSNA stages respectively to navchannya Reigning standard I NASA programs include development, thus zabezpiecze DTM Postini soproud I comfort. Storytime connects this event with his team. I tuck expert group smoje, stvoriti system oceniania not only knowledge, but the first high-powered the competencies on RSNA stages of the learning.
Mi Rozum MIF scho "school, Yak SECAM ANSI mammoth, sminutes Pavlina I for the methods trimatic mcno". Alternatywnym pddom bude sama vdova from the very best-arachno system navchannya, Yak at ruining osobistosti, gropegate, zastosuvannya of kochenkova technology development of faciltes] in komandnu grupowy robot.
Methodology basis Nasco school Bassa at the warehouses:
Skin osobistosti got VSI resource for desagana ospho!
The key to uspehu in navcan – TSE panana wlasnego the style of learning, style I milennia development, type SVA kompetentnost that I activsits for mast osobisty and maibutnyogo I profesinal development.
Cotidianamente model learning.
Educational program koplo (with Gordon Dryden, Gannett Vos, "the Revolution in navcan"):
1. Rozvytok osobistosc scho peredacha formuvannya Vpevnenist have vlasnik power motives, primaluna high-powered spilkuvannya contactoare mizh him.
2. Formuvannya gettig high-powered, ie winna trovati him, torco rosv asuvate problems, planulate vlasnu car ro ) . perebudova, zalogowani conflct, Orai in the economy, comp uterna technologies.
3. Formuvannya VMN nauchatsya I critical misliti dwellers navchannya brought joy uprodovzh osogo life.
4. Predmete navchannya, Yak Negro RSN items.
VSI TSI, componenti vsamom Asan, ale integrovane predmete navchannya state the same at ostannya f, sminute Suchasna practice school.
System oceniania bouts on samian (50%), vzaimootnoshenii (30%) and properly, ozonian (20%). Ale Golovnin ceterm / desagana their USPHS have porven iz him vcherashnem.
Rozvytok, ditini bocinas s ) health protection that emoting comfort.
Pozitivni nastri in the beginning of the day as a Deposit ospho. Soden Dialin right, zanyattya conducted by ozdorovcho for development of uwagi millennia, smorning ridge I suglobov, sageline ozdorovlenija through ruhlig igri, elementi ozdorovcho gymnastike HUD that yoga.
Art and music valiv skladov development of wave, tworczosc, kreativnost, poshuku inspiration that energy. Navalia skladova – zastosuvannya art prakticnih prijomu.
Formuvannya I rozvytok naviku:
– samostijna work W donovana I zastosuvannya knowledge;
– planuvannya, setting I desagana clay;
– spilkuvannya I robot in>>>;
– samodisciplina I samootsenki;
– osobistego ldelta;
– critical millennia;
– panana new;
– dopilivat, poshuku of nestandartnih rsen, kreativnost;
– control of themselves