A PRO-CAREER. Cherkassy, Ukraine

Views: 89

If You want to find a job but don‘t have enough knowledge and skills, or are unable to choose a profession!? We offer You a list of courses with further employment:
Accounting courses.
1C 7.7;
1C Accounting 8.2;
1C 7.7 + practice;
1C 8.2 + practice;
1C 7.7 personnel and wages;
1C 8.2 personnel and wages;
1C 7.7 trade-warehouse;
1C 8.2 trade-warehouse;
1C 7.7, 8.2 staff
1C 7.7, 8.2 sales Manager;
1C 7.7, 8.2 office Manager;
1C 7.7 , 8.2 operator;
PC for beginners.
Principles the robots on PC (Word, Excel, internet).
Quick print on the PC.
Computer design.
HR Manager, personnel Manager.
Courses secretaries (clerical).
Sales Manager.
Sales representative, merchandiser.
Administrator, etc.

at any convenient time - morning, afternoon, evening;
classes can be held daily, twice a day, every day, there may be other options;
duration of sessions the client chooses the activity can last from 1 hour to the desired number of hours by the client.


Cherkasy region
Cherkassy city

str. Lenina, 105

tel. +380 (68) 634-75-25
tel. +38 (093) 095-21-81

Actual on 01.01.2018