Yoga for children!
Set in groups of 5 years.
Regular yoga classes give a comprehensive positive effect:
• helps to develop flexibility, good posture and coordination of movements;
• teaches us to focus, thus improving performance in school;
• enhances immunity, increases resistance to various diseases and strengthens the entire body;
• brings deep rest to the mind and nervous system, allowing you to eliminate the fear, anxiety, depression and other unwanted emotions stored in the nervous system, it also reduces the complexity of adolescence;
• allows you to balance the work of the hemispheres of the brain;
• assists in the harmonious development of the child;
• gives you the ability to channel excess energy in a positive direction.
SUCCESS CENTER the team of professionals in the field of studying foreign languages: English for toddlers, schoolchildren and adults Polish language for work and study, Chinese language, Czech, German, French and other language courses, early child development.