tel. 0968512753
Public organization "Dneprodzerzhinsk Federation traditional Shotokan karate-do" as their main mission the development and promotion of karate as a martial art in our city.
training :
Gymnasium в„– 11 ( Tuesday,Thursday - 15:30)
Lyceum NIT No. 2 ( mon,Wed,Fri, Jr., Tue,Thu,sat-senior group-16:00 )
School в„– 36 ( preschool office building of Zaporizhzhya 2,mon,Wed,Fri-16:00 )
Classes are conducted by instructors of the National Federation of Traditional Karate-do of Ukraine, international black belt level in Shotokan, judge national category.
Contact information:
096-851-27-53 ( Alexander A. )
063-88-77-987 ( Eugene S. )