Private pdprimstvo "Urbanes-consulting". Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk), Ukraine

Views: 444
Uridin buhgalters services yuridichnimi Picnik obam:
- residential buildings. disputes;
- disputes in the social spher pensijnogo zabezpechennya;
- trudov disputes (zabolevanii s/plat, to the nezakoyena zvilnennya, ponovleniya on robot TA I n.);
- suprovodzhennya vikonavchogo propaganda (robot s bodies Derzhavno wykonawca service);
- Zahist rights spozhivachiv;
- suprovodzhennya notarialna di;
- predstavnytstvo interest CNT in the courts zagalna jurisdict;
- skladany said list, skarg, claims, posuv, dogovoru TA I n.;
- sman disputes (razluchennye, poll lane, alimenti, vstanovlennya Batista, usenewline, pozbavlennya Batista rights )
- civl disputes (zabolevaemosti for nadan residential-so, telecomunicacion services, services telebachennya that radobelina, povernennya the pozika, stagnant zabolevaemost, the recognition of the right wlasnosc, semelin disputes that, vcscommand fizichnogo, FINANSOVOGO, moral zbytku, Rosal lane, rozhrania dogovoru, snatt Aristo s lane, povernennya lane, Yak illegally pereboeva have Volodin truth osib TA I n.);
- adminstration pravopisanie (RTA, poperedzhennya, strafe, pozbavlennya special law (polyuvannya the control of transportnymi zasobami), public work, propaganda on scargo gromadyan, oskarzhennya rsen, DJ ABO bezdarnost organs one of posadowa osib TA I n.)
- abonentskiy obslugovuvannya yuridichnih osib - operation legal. consultats (USN pismo), Svoya opoen about SMN in zakonodaja acts, that storytime diyalnosti Clit, the fate of the negotiations with the counterparties clst, legal. soproud land CLT, including th lands W neruhomistyu, restrict, reorganize, lcvac yuridichnih osib, development of th the determination of price whether yakih documents, of delovodstva, predstavnytstvo I Zahist interest clst in reigning bodies, wykonawca service in gospodarska Sud the courts zagalna jurisdict (Razavi, dolgostroi) TA. in.;
-profesine buhgalterskie suprovodzhennya that obslugovuvannya: vedennja Buhgalter, buhgaltersko TST, podatkovi oblik.


Dnipropetrovsk oblast
Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk) city

prospect Anoshka (for a mage."Friendship, 61, оф.36,48

tel. 05692 3-23-29
tel. 098-674-15-03
tel. 093-668-83-55

Actual on 03.10.2017