BDSU. Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk), Ukraine

Views: 98

Bureau of Good Construction Services specializiruetsya on the implementation in Dnipropetrovsk and suburbs concrete, excavation and demolition work. The types of services provided (in brief):

- concreting of the floor in a private house or room.

- concreting of the yard, walkways, paving around the house, the local area.

- concreting garages, entrances, races in the yard.

- concreting of various areas (under the car under metal garage, under a hangar).

- the unit strip Foundation (excavation, reinforcement, installation of formwork, acceptance of concrete).

- making of retaining walls, armopoyasu, curbs, steps, porches.

- fabrication finishing floor screed in the apartment, house or room under different types of flooring.

- dismantling walls, Perestenko and interior partitions (brick, concrete, gipsolitovye, shingles, drywall, concrete, cast slag, etc.).

- the dismantling of sex in apartment or private house (gipsolitovye, concrete, wood, cement-sand screed).

the dismantling of concrete, asphalt, slag cushion (with filling, removal, and garbage removal).

- removal of old private houses (brick, cast slag, clay).

- demolition of old buildings, sheds, garages, porches, attics, roofs, cottages.

- a cutting of garden trees, uprooting stumps, cleaning of the site.

- digging trenches by hand under different economic needs (gas, water, sewer, Foundation).

- digging of the drain (sump) pits and sumps.

- development of manual excavations under the house, basement, cellar.

- digging plots or vegetable gardens, clean-UPS.

A complete list of services with photos and description, you can see on the website of the Office of Good Construction Services. I would like to emphasize that the work is done promptly and conscientiously and at affordable prices.


Dnipropetrovsk oblast
Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk) city

str. K. Marksa, 54

tel. +380 (95) 037-68-47
tel. 785-43-39
Actual on 01.01.2018