The kinesio tape. Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk), Ukraine

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The kinesiology tape branded and certified kinesio-plasters and tapes of various manufacturers and colors

Simple, effective and safe solution for all who are involved in sports or suffers from minor injuries (sprains) – kinesiology tape.

Why choose the products of the company:
• fast and long-lasting results;
• elimination of the pain;
• durable fiber with excellent practical properties.
• full compliance with medical standards.

When buying kinesiology tape, you can do without tiring regenerating treatments, to get rid of pain without side effects. It should be added and favorable conditions offered by the employees of the company.

Get clients:
• high-quality products at reasonable rates;
• the ability to deliver goods to your home or desired address;
• convenient payment terms and ordering;
• extensive consultations with professionals, obtaining information on all important issues.

Staff kinesio tape interested in the fact that every customer was satisfied with the results and felt healthy and strong.

+38 (095) 174-22-22

tel. +380951742222

Actual on 03.10.2017