Logus. Kharkov, Ukraine

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Medical center "Logus" is a modern diagnostic and treatment center specializing in such areas of medicine, such as dermatology and gynaecology.
In our clinic we provide a customized approach to each patient, carry out modern diagnostics and treatment.
In dermatology specializiruetsya in the treatment of diseases such as acne, demodectic mange, various dermatitis, hair loss, nail infections, diseases, sexually transmitted.
In gynecology, colposcopy, treatment of cervical diseases, correction of hormonal disorders, prevention and treatment of ptosis of pelvic organs and urinary incontinence, individual selection of safe contraception.
Also provide services in aesthetic medicine - ultrasound, mechanical and combination of cleaning, peeling, mesotherapy, biorevitalisation, botulinum toxin therapy, non-injection mesotherapy (electroporation), desincrustation, facial massage with active care.
Our medical center is the only in Kharkiv provides services to IPL therapy. The recommendations of the European consensus for dermatologists IPL is the GOLD standard in the treatment of acne and rosacea. Through individually tailored sensitivity and adjust the depth of penetration, using the IPL also removes age spots, hair removal and rejuvenation, without damaging the surrounding tissue.


Kharkiv region
Kharkov city

str. Alchevskih (Artema), 10

tel. +38 (093) 258-77-88
tel. +38 (066) 010-58-06
tel. +38 (096) 594-40-04

Actual on 01.01.2018