Fabrics in the range: satin , stretch satin, tulle (width 3M.), chiffon color, monochrome multi chiffon, Batiste, cambric to embroidery, pexeva, jeans, suit.leather, suiting, knitwear, Angora ,oil, viscose, cotton, calico and bedding.
Yarn: acrylic, wool, wool, cotton, baby, cotton, Angora etc.
Sewing accessories: thread, lace, braid, bias binding, ribbons, buttons, sequins, needles hand needles for sewing machines, phleselin, dublerin, scissors, Rosaryville, pins, ribbon satin, nicodemites, knitting needles straight, circular on the fishing line and rope, hose, beads, fishing line beads, wire, beads, Czech crystal and much more.
Wholesale prices, discount program.
Kherson, lavreneva str 17-b,shumensky the market, the magician.№168 Fabric,yarn,sewing accessories, street corner Dimitrova and ul Lavrenev.
Work with 8-30 to 17-30, Saturday to 16-00, Sunday to 14-00 hours.