Vtrata blisko the person — grief, Yak duzhe vazhko of pereiti. In tak, momenti neophane Patrika navkolishn, Yak moral, so I organzatsii. After, if lyudin provocate in the last way, yea baslc speeches, about that necessary pagbati. In order dwellers RDN blisk Mali zmogu poprostishe s way m a human and not simalia organza pohorona, there is the toll - "Ritual service".
Mi precum tsilodobovo that proponam great choice pohoronah tovariv that hotel, that allow to adequately conduct pocinioca in the last path:
great choice grow rsno varlist;
Christi to the grave;
pojavlenii odyag;
the I shte bagato nsho ritualno paraphernalia.
Moreover, podbaba about daganna of pocinioca nadamo services of the hearse.