Logos is the largest network of tutoring centers in Ukraine, which has united hundreds of experienced teachers into one big team!
We know how to help a child understand and love a subject without unnecessary nerves and parental control!
The main differences from other courses:
- mini-groups (2 - 4 students);
- caring teachers who are able to find an approach to each student, identify gaps in knowledge and get rid of them;
- lack of homework;
- more than 26 years of experience;
- a unique technique that allows you to get results after the first lesson;
- quality department, which monitors teachers and student progress;
- help with homework and preparation for tests.
We conduct classes in: school preparation, English, Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics (algebra / geometry) and other general education subjects.
Lay the foundations of solid knowledge now, start classes in the best tutoring center in Ukraine!
The training takes place in the Logos training center closest to your home. It is also possible to study online if you live where we have not yet opened.
Learning begins with testing, during which we determine the level of the student in a particular subject, as well as identify accumulated gaps. This helps to create an individual program that contains links to sections in the textbook, as well as practical tasks.
Classes in the main subjects are held in mini-groups (2 - 4 students). At the same time, each student works according to his program, moving on the checklist at a speed acceptable to him. Unlike the school classroom system, the teacher in the classroom does not explain the material to everyone at once, but works with a particular student just when he needs help - when he encountered difficulties in learning the material, or when you need to check the correctness of the practical task . When the difficulties are eliminated or the task is completed, the student continues to work on the program independently. After each topic studied, the teacher conducts a student check, and, if necessary, correction. Thus, effective individual work with each student is conducted, and each topic is mastered by students 100%.
Improve school performance.
It will help to deeply understand the subject.
It will help to prepare for exams and Olympiads.
Develop the ability and desire to learn independently.
Restores the child's confidence in themselves, their strength, knowledge.
Develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice in life.
Kyiv region
Kiev city
Obolonsky Avenue, 16
tel. 0676466340
Actual on 14.07.2021