Preschool institutions of Kiev

Preschool institutions :

Total items: 808, Views: 320832
Specialised preschool institution for children with visual impairment No. 755 ...
Kiev, Desnyanskiy rayon, str. Aleksandra Sabur

tel. +380 (44) 515-95-62
Actual on 01.01.2018
Specialized SCHOOL № 51 for children with disabilities ...
Kiev, rayon Solom'yanskiy, Otradnyy ave.,

tel. +380 (44) 497-01-27
Actual on 01.01.2018
Specialized SCHOOL for children with severe speech disorders № 505 ...
Kiev, Dneprovskiy rayon, str. Miropolskaya, 35

tel. +380 (44) 543-85-09
Actual on 01.01.2018
Specialized UVK Smile with profound studying of English language ...
Kiev, Desnyanskiy rayon, str. Onore de Balzaka

tel. +380 (44) 530-01-32
Actual on 01.01.2018
Specialized educational complex Victoria with profound studying of English language ...
Kiev, Desnyanskiy rayon, str. Hikolaya Zakrevs

tel. +380 (44) 530-15-08
Actual on 01.01.2018
Specialized educational complex Kiev Chestnuts with profound studying of English language ...
Kiev, Desnyanskiy rayon, str. Kashtanovaya, 13

tel. +380 (44) 547-42-50
Actual on 01.01.2018
Specialized educational complex Forest bells with profound studying of English language ...
Kiev, Desnyanskiy rayon, str. Kosmonavta Volko

tel. +380 (44) 518-82-68
Actual on 01.01.2018
Specialized preschool educational institution for children with speech problem No. 435 ...
Kiev, Podolskiy rayon, Mezhevaya str., 22A

tel. +380 (44) 434-60-79
Actual on 01.01.2018
Special preschool educational institution No. 219 for children with visual impairment ...
Kiev, Svyatoshinskiy rayon, blvd.var Koltsova,

tel. +380 (44) 405-61-77
Actual on 01.01.2018












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