Public organizations of Kiev

Public organizations :

Total items: 958, Views: 190664
All-Ukrainian Union of veterans of nuclear tests ...
Kiev, str. Lipskaya, 16

tel. +380 (44) 253-57-54
Actual on 01.01.2018
All-Ukrainian Union Of Liquidators Of Disabled Chernobyl-86 ...
Kiev, str. Arhitektora Verbitskogo, 11

tel. +380 (50) 381-37-95
Actual on 01.01.2018
All-Ukrainian Union of Youth Organizations of the all-Ukrainian Council of Regional Youth for Development and Cooperation ...
Kiev, 01001, str. Mihaila Grushevskogo, 12/2

tel. +380 (50) 453-06-04
Actual on 01.01.2018
All-Ukrainian Union of associations of combatants anti-terrorism operations, military service veterans and law enforcement ...
Kiev, Desnyanskiy rayon, str. Bratislavskaya,

tel. +380 (44) 594-65-09
Actual on 01.01.2018
All-Ukrainian Association of public organizations Ukrainian Association of agrarian engineers ...
Kiev, str. Mechnikova, 16a

tel. +380 (44) 255-16-66
Actual on 01.01.2018
All-Ukrainian Union of writers-painters,
Kiev, str. Chistyakovskaya, 15a

tel. +380 (67) 321-25-02
Actual on 01.01.2018
Allukrainian Fund of promotion of international communication of Ukrainian people‘s Embassy ...
Kiev, str. Panasa Mirnogo, 27, et. 1

tel. +380 (44) 280-92-69
Actual on 01.01.2018
Nationwide law center
Kiev, str. Ivana Franko, 9

tel. +380 (99) 013-87-80
Actual on 01.01.2018
All-Ukrainian center for combating corruption and promoting law enforcement anti-corruption initiative ...
Kiev, Yaroslavskiy per., 7/9

tel. +380 (44) 379-17-40
Actual on 01.01.2018












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