Manufacture indoor and outdoor advertising, manufacturing of advertising designs
Provide a full range of services for the production of exterior and interior advertising:
- The production of signage and signage with lighting
- Design of facades, Windows
- Production of light boxes, volumetric light and non-illuminated letters
- Manufacture of roof installations, pylons, citylights
- Manufacture of road signs, canopies, awnings, entrances
- Manufacture of house signs, address boxes
- Neon, illuminated advertising, street stands, boards
- Produce construction panels, holders, billboards
- Executed branding vehicles
Services, large format printing
Services vacuumforming, milling cutting, installation of advertising
Welding, paint work
- Plotter cutting, gluing films
- Service and repair advertising of all kinds
Over 15 years advertising Agency A&P; places advertising of its Customers from developing a media strategy to reporting.
During this period we have gained tremendous experience in the field of integrated marketing communications. Have excellent accommodation.
Our principles:
• efficiency,
• justification of the proposed accommodation options
• optimization of advertising budget depending on the specifics of the client
• execution of advertising objectives
• control, coordination RK,
• full reporting,
• high degree of responsibility.
RA A&P; is not only big brands but also advertises to the local clients in all regions of Ukraine.
All our regular customers get a variety, sometimes very significant, bonuses and additional accommodation.
In the press
On the radio
In the metro
On airlines
Many customers appreciate our expertise and high service. Feedback and recommendations from our customers can be found on our website.