To install the operating system quickly and not have problems in the future, users today resort to various means. Someone uses aftermarket distribution, while others are ready for use the Assembly.
Master computer repair is able to install Windows quickly, but simply and efficiently. Traditionally, the package includes:
1. Download the image of the original system on the hard disk.
2. Setting the correct settings.
3. Search and connect all the necessary drivers and devices.
4. Finding and installing programs and utilities.
Computer scientists of the company “PC Repair” install of Windows Obolon, in any point of Kiev and its suburbs . Their goal is to create an individual working space. You will be satisfied with the set of programs that will appear on the computer after work.
The duties of the wizard is the solution of all problems of hardware and software, plan. Using new approaches, which use the latest OS from Microsoft, installation will be finished faster and more reliable.
Broken display on your Iphone? Gets wet? Your phone‘s bad reception or poorly holds the battery? You here! Service center Apple i-Fix will render emergency assistance to any technology Apple: iPhone, iPad, iPod and Macbook. We‘d "drowned", replace defective parts, pereproshivka installed apps, for free you store the data (backup), replacive carried out Jailbreak on iPhone and iPad, running Iphone repair in Kiev all models and undertake the most difficult and hopeless repairs. You don‘t break for a long time with your favorite phone, tablet or notebook in the shortest possible time we will refund your faithful assistant. The cost of intensive care unit or upgrade a device in the i-Fix 20 – 30% cheaper than the average price of Apple repair technicians in Kiev. Our Apple service in Kiev will help you to save.