Social assistance of Kiev

Social assistance :

Total items: 221, Views: 171733
The social services to low-income people 10 of the residential district Obolon district of Kyiv ...
Kiev, Ukrayina, Kiyiv, Obolonskiy rayon, Obolo

tel. +380 (44) 411-43-46
Actual on 01.01.2018
The social services to low-income people of district No. 7, Obolonskyi district ...
Kiev, Ukrayina, Kiyiv, Obolonskiy rayon, vulit

tel. +380 (44) 412-44-82
Actual on 01.01.2018
The Holosiyivsky district in Kyiv city Centre of social services for family children and youth ...
Kiev, str. Bubnova Andreya, 5

tel. +380 (44) 257-03-49
Actual on 01.01.2018
The Kiev city office all-Ukrainian charitable organization all-Ukrainian network of PLWH ...
Kiev, str. Hovodarnitskaya, 26b

tel. +380 (44) 576-60-74
Actual on 01.01.2018
Department of social adaptation day care center for mentally retarded children in the city of Kiev in Goloseevskiy district Centre Springboard ...
Kiev, str. Haberezhno-Korchevatskaya, 96

tel. +380 (44) 252-73-30
Actual on 01.01.2018
Department of population protection from consequences of Chernobyl accident the Department of labour and social protection of the population of Solomenskiy district in Kyiv city state administration ...
Kiev, Vozduhoflotskiy ave., 40

tel. +380 (44) 207-39-28
Actual on 01.01.2018
The division of population protection from consequences of Chernobyl accident Darnytskyi WGA ...
Kiev, Harkovskoe sh., 176g

tel. +380 (44) 564-59-44
Actual on 01.01.2018
Department of subsidies and incentives on zhkp golosiyivska RGA ...
Kiev, str. Bubnova Andreya, 5

tel. +380 (44) 257-23-87
Actual on 01.01.2018
Pechersky district in Kyiv city centre of social services for family, children and youth ...
Kiev, Filatova Akademika per., 3/1

tel. +380 (44) 529-71-94
Actual on 01.01.2018












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