Construction company "Stroy-Union" Radionov M. N.. Lugansk, Ukraine

Views: 60

We invite You to cooperation with private enterprise "Stroy-Union."
Our company carries out repair and construction works of any complexity, taking into account all possible wishes and requirements to the used materials and equipment.
Our company has successfully and professionally engaged in construction of buildings and complexes of public, industrial, residential and commercial purposes. A wide range of services from designing and developing an overall concept to finished object "turnkey".
Cooperation with our company has a number of advantages that will make collaboration mutually beneficial: the presence of own material and technical base, extensive experience in the construction and reconstruction of buildings in various fields, high level of responsibility, flexible pricing policy.
Find solutions to Your ideas and find ideas for Your possibilities!
We welcome Your questions.


Lugansk region
Lugansk city

91055, str. Sent-Etenovskaya, 40

tel. +380 (66) 798-27-66
tel. +380 (66) 596-74-86
Actual on 01.01.2018