Private security Donetsk region. Mariupol, Ukraine

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LLC "Private security Donetsk region" — the largest organization with many years of experience providing a full range of services to ensure the safety of all forms of ownership. Among our clients in Mariupol, there are large trading network "open Space", "comfy", "Foxtrot", "Hello", "eve", banks PIB, Express, gas station chains OKKO and WOG, and conventional grocery and Department stores, cafes, pawn shops, and the apartments and homes of private individuals. We provide each client an individual approach, reasonable pricing policy and the cost of our services depends on the complexity of the task. There is a system of discounts. Our company is liable for protected property, in accordance with the contracts.

Here is a list of services provided by our company :

- protection of objects of managing (from 450 UAH./months.)and personal estate (apartments, houses, garages, etc. from 200 UAH./months.) through remote centralized protection (ptso);
- physical security (guard post from 25 UAH./hours);
- carrying out works on the equipment of automatic fire alarm system "turnkey" (the cost is calculated for each object individually);
- centralized monitoring fire monitoring systems (surveillance by means of fire automatics from 300 UAH./mo.);
- maintenance of fire alarm systems from 100 UAH./month;
- equipment of objects of all forms of ownership of video surveillance systems (the cost depends on the requirements of Your operating requirements of the system).


Donetsk oblast
Mariupol city

str. Gromovoy, 63, kablvd. 104

tel. (050) 643-73-90
tel. (096) 336-65-72

Actual on 01.01.2018