Horeograficheskoy dance ensemble "Premiere"
In the direction of folk dances. The children are taught art, folk dance, basics of choreography.
Choreographic ensemble "Premiere" invites children 5 to 10 years.
Head – Rotaru Love Ivanovna.
Choreographic dance ensemble "PREMIERE" was formed in 2014. In the direction of folk dances. The early team was part of the exemplary dance ensemble "BARVINOK".
The Composition of OAT "BARVINOK", repeatedly became the laureate and winner of such contests as "AZOV PEARL" Urban dance festival "Dance Fest Aprіl Mariupol Ukraine, Open show of "the courtyard of the talents," etc.
In Apele 2015. HAT "PREMIERE" now as an independent team advanced to the second round of the City choreographic festival "Dance Fest Aprіl Mariupol Ukraine".
Our vospitanniki actively participate in various competitions both city and international importance.
In less than six months thanks to rotely and head Rotaru Lyubov Ivanovna, the band has increased its repertoire of almost two (compared to the previous year). Sewed costumes for all the dances in its repertoire.
HAT "PREMIERE" declares a set of children group of the ensemble between the ages of 5 -10years.