Aurel South. Odessa, Ukraine

Views: 83
The company "Aurel-South" is engaged in repair of household and commercial refrigeration in Odessa and Odessa region.

Experience in the field — more than 16 years!


- Replacement of the compressor
- Elimination of refrigerant leakage
- Adding freon
- Replacement of thermostat
- Repair of circuit boards, sensors and electronic components of refrigerators

Will promptly come on the object, quality will eliminate all problems right on the spot!
All works are guaranteed for 6 months.

In addition, You can purchase from the warehouse in Odessa and in Kiev for cash and non-cash freon R 134a, R 22, R 12, R 407c, R 410a, R 507, R 290, R 600a, R 32, R1234fy, R 404a, R-408a, R422d, R 141b, FUCHS refrigeration oil PAG 46 and PAG 100, the ACD 32 TOTAL, Petronas.

Aurel South is the exclusive supplier of solders for the soldering of aluminium Castolin Castolin 192FBK 196FC. We only have the original solder is always available in Odessa from one rod at a ridiculous price.

The company Aurel South: Monday - Saturday from 8:00 to 21:00, Sunday - closed.


Odessa oblast
Odessa city

RC, 19, and

tel. +380487880657
tel. +380634164161
tel. +380508784222
Actual on 21.02.2019