CERTIFICATION. Sevastopol, Ukraine

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CJSC "certification authority" issues qualified certificates of keys of electronic signature verification to interact with Government and commercial organizations for the exchange of legally significant electronic documents.

CJSC "certification authority" has all necessary licenses FSB and the FSTEC of Russia. On the basis of the Order of the Ministry of communications of Russia № 182 dated 19.07.2012 "On accreditation of certification authorities" CJSC "certification authority" received the certificate on compliance with the requirements of Federal law No. 63 dated 06.04.2011 "On electronic signature".
The main function of the certification authority is the production of Certificates of keys of electronic signature verification for users.
The main task which puts before itself the Certifying centre - the provision of a full range of services associated with the use of electronic signatures . Digital signature is important but only a first step towards e-community, whose members have yet to learn how to interact with e-trading platforms and with each other.
An electronic signature generated for the electronic document, protect the document from distortion, forgery and also makes it possible to identify the author of the signed document.
The electronic signature is generated using the key of electronic signature, to decrypt the electronic signature possible in the presence of verification Key of electronic signatures. An electronic signature can be attached to or detached in a separate file. Cipher in the electronic signature includes a checksum of the document, which allows you to mount an accessory to the document and the immutability of the document, as well as the service information to determine the authenticity of electronic signatures and noticement from her.
In all operations on the electronic platform requires a digital signature is the modern equivalent of a handwritten signature of the official. EDS for electronic trading confirms the credentials of the bidder and is a method of verification of the lawfulness of the stages of trade procedures.

An electronic signature is required for :
-work on the Federal electronic trading platforms: LLC "RTS-tender", JSC "Sberbank Automated Trading System", JSC "unified electronic marketplace", state unitary enterprise "Agency on state order, investment activity and interregional relations of the Republic of Tatarstan" ZAO "ETS" (ETP MICEX) ;
-work on group sites, B2B-Center (electronic trading system for corporate customers);
-work with the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms (will help You get full information about the auction, to participate in them in real time, to analyze market situation and make the best decision);
-reporting to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR);
-reporting to the social insurance Fund (SIF);
-providing statistical reporting (reporting Rosstat);
-reporting into the Service of the Bank of Russia financial markets (SBRR);
-reporting to FSRR (Rosalarian);
-reporting to the Federal Customs service;
-reporting to the Central Bank, banks, pawnshops, lending institutions;
-reporting to the Federal service for financial monitoring: the reporting banks, pawnshops, insurance companies, credit institutions, notaries, lawyers, real estate agents, bookmakers, income derived from gambling;
-work with the portal of the Federal property management Agency;
-work with the portal of Rosreestr cadastral engineers, notaries, arbitration managers (in Sevastopol functions of Rosreestr performs Severest);
-registration of a Declaration of conformity in electronic form on the portal of Raskreditatsiya for test centers and laboratories.


The Autonomous Republic Of Crimea
Sevastopol city

str. Lenina, 5

tel. +7 (978) 067-56-44
tel. +7 (8692) 54-18-19
tel. 46-50-77

Actual on 01.01.2018