Itдруг 24/7 - Computer help in Sevastopol
Departure and diagnostics for the home or office - for free!
Engineer will be there within 60 minutes!
The Installation Of Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Sale and configuration of Wi Fi routers
Repair and setup of computers and laptops
Firmware and configuration Android
Firmware and configuring Ios
Configuring SmartTV
Repair of computers and other menu sitwee1специализированные services modern gadgets.
Quickly, qualitatively, reliably and inexpensively!
Here you can get complete information about the services and benefits of working with us.
salon-Atelier repair and tailoring of footwear "Madame AVA", the forces of high-class specialists (skill) perform the full range of services on repair of footwear of any complexity, exactly replace soles, replace heels, hauling back, hauling socks, invisible patches, decorative patches, hauling Obrenovac, stretching the shaft, replace the zipper, leather Staforce replacement Velcro replacement elastic/buckles, ushivka boots, crop tops, insert wedges, and much more.
The hours: from 07.30 hours to 18.00 hours.
Saturday: from 07.30 hours to 14.00 hours.
telephone for information: +79787750239