Sevdelta. Sevastopol, Ukraine

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Training in the core disciplines of the school curriculum to pass the exam, GVA, DWI and writing of the final works.

Welcome to group classes in the following areas:

CSE Maths basic
Exam Mathematics profile
Exam Physics
MOTION Physics
Exam Russian language
OGE Russian language
Exam Literature
OGE Literature
Final essay
Advice for students

The classes are for different levels of students ‘ preparation, which is taken into account when forming groups. This approach enables us to work in groups. The material is presented in an accessible, easy-to-remember form, use mnemonic techniques for remembering formulas, scientific facts, rules, which makes learning fun.

In the classroom, implementing a comprehensive approach to the material under study, explanation of the theoretical nuances of sustainable production is accompanied by practical skills solutions test tasks and tasks of increased difficulty.


The Autonomous Republic Of Crimea
Sevastopol city

str. Marshala Biryuzova, 42

tel. +7 (978) 852-53-05
Actual on 01.01.2018