Lady Dance, school of dance in Sevastopol. Sevastopol, Ukraine

Views: 90

School of dance Lady Dance in Sevastopol is a brand new level! This is our level! And this is Your level! Lady Dance is modern, fashionable, beautiful, at the same time graceful and dynamic, charming men the direction of the dance for a modern lady, at any fitness level.
Doing dance Lady Dance:
1. You throw off the extra pounds.
2. Your figure will be transformed, receiving a magnetic dance form.
3. You will become more graceful and feminine.
4. The body will be constantly in good shape.
5. You get emotional discharge, bright impressions and good mood!
1. The classes are structured according to a unique system and balanced so that Your body receives a significant load, but not overloaded. As a result, You feel a surge of energy and an emotional lift.
2. Absolute knowledge coach and choreographer of the English language allows us, for You to find instantly, learn, improve, and utilize the latest, cutting-edge Western techniques.
3. The unique technique English Lady Dance - dance classes, studying English language in an unprecedented way.
4. Infotainment support our students in the "School of dance Lady Dance in Sevastopol" Vkontakte. It is placed daily useful and interesting information on the topics: healthy eating, family values, beauty and sports, as well as various contests, promotions and discussion.
Do not hesitate, at the time 11.09.16 G. classes there are only 18 seats. Call and make an appointment +79788735476


The Autonomous Republic Of Crimea
Sevastopol city

str. Geroev Bresta, 98

tel. +7 (978) 873-54-76
Actual on 01.01.2018