Torgovo-Stroitelnaya Korporatsiya Era. Sevastopol, Ukraine

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We are constantly striving to remain the best company and continuously expand its achievements in the field of repair of apartments, construction, reconstruction and modernization of buildings. Our services include repair of apartments, construction, renovation and demolition of buildings, dismantling the tracks and other structures. We use only the most modern techniques and technology to ensure the realization of the construction project in full compliance with the contract documents. We have a wide network of subcontractors reliable and proven partners who spetsializiruyutsya for performing different types of work. This helps us to evenly distribute the workload and implement projects effectively and in a timely manner.


The Autonomous Republic Of Crimea
Sevastopol city

10-ya Radarnaya str., 10

tel. +7 (978) 812-71-20
Actual on 01.01.2018