The Sevastopol center of legal protection of the population. Sevastopol, Ukraine

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The Sevastopol center of legal protection will provide all kinds of legal services in Sevastopol and Crimea.

* advice on any legal issues;

* drafting of legal documents (statements of claim, contracts, complaints, requests, petitions, statements, etc.)

* family law (appointment, reducing the amount of alimony, divorce);

* cases on deprivation of parental rights/ appointment of guardians;

* cases of leaving a child abroad without the consent of one of parents;

* inheritance disputes (including services for management of cases and probate);

* proceedings for eviction, recognition estopped use of premises, the case of the universe;

* cancellation/invalidation of contracts of sale, donation of real estate;

* legal analysis of the purity of transactions.

* representation in commercial, administrative, district courts of General jurisdiction.
Main specialization branches of law - civil law, family law, inheritance law, commercial law.

* legal analysis of civil contracts.

Consultations are free by appointment only.


The Autonomous Republic Of Crimea
Sevastopol city

str. B. Morskaya, 40

tel. +7 (978) 750-62-68
tel. +7 (869) 294-39-95
Actual on 01.01.2018