Russian lawyers and attorneys. Civil and criminal cases of any complexity.
Representation of Your interests. Support of transactions with real estate. Legalization ukrainskih car. Translation of garden and country houses into residential. Citizenship and more relevant to You today.
Services for business. Liquidation, reorganization, re-registration of Ukrainian legal entities, including debts. The transfer of assets to the newly created Russian legal entity.
Re-registration of real estate.
Membership in SRO of builders in one day.
• Contract and commercial law
• Corporate law
• Transport and customs law
• Investment and foreign right
• Insurance law
• Settlement of disputes and litigation
• Relations with the public authorities
• Public procurement
• Bankruptcy
• Labour law
• Inheritance law
• Family law
• Housing law
Law firm "ARTE" specializiruetsya in such industries and areas of law as corporate law, insurance law, foreign trade law, contract and commercial law, transport law, litigation. In part LF "ARTE" has a Department for the work with individuals, specializing in the provision of services in such areas of law as family, inheritance, employment and housing law.
The working languages are Russian, Ukrainian and English languages.
• Contract and commercial law
• Corporate law
• Transport and customs law
• Investment and foreign right
• Insurance law
• Settlement of disputes and litigation
• Relations with the public authorities
• Public procurement
• Bankruptcy
• Labour law
• Inheritance law
• Family law
• Housing law
Law firm "ARTE" taking into account interests of each client offers the following legal services:
• oral and written legal advice (opinions) and clarification of provisions of the legislation of Ukraine;
• drafting and legal analysis of contracts;
• drafting of statements of claim, complaints, claims, statements and other documents of legal nature;
• representation of interests before Ukrainian courts of all jurisdictions and levels, arbitration, international arbitration.
Legal advice on all issues, legal support in transactions, representation in court, drafting pleadings to the court
probate (the recovery period for acceptance of inheritance, division of the inherited shares, recognition of the right of ownership, inheritance);
compensation for material and moral damage caused by the accident;
compensation for material and moral damage for damage to any of Your assets;
reparations in saltii apartment;
the restoration of land boundaries;
the eviction and resettlement of persons in the apartment;
dissolution of marriage;
division of property of spouses;
recovery of child support and penalties for non-payment of alimony;
the recovery of funds on receipts and contracts;
appeal of administrative fines traffic police, and others state bodies;
protection of recovery of Bank loans;
avoidance of inventory and arrest of property;
protecting your rights when you buy faulty goods or receive poor service, works andother consumer rights;
drafting pleadings in local, administrative, commercial court;
representation of interests in court and more.
Legal company "Legal city" offers legal assistance in the city of Sevastopol.
Working with us is easy and profitable.
• We communicate with customers in plain language (without the use of complicated legal terms);
• You clearly know what you ordered and what will be the result (we don‘t do secrets with our work, "do not sell "a pig in a poke"). We share our secrets and explain to the client how we will defend its interests;
• Us client convenient (meeting appoint you at a convenient time and convenient to you - in the office, at the client‘s office, via the Internet, Skype ...);
• We fulfill the undertaken obligations.