The Group Of Industrial Safety. Simferopol, Ukraine

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A wide range of services in the field of industrial safety

Examination of industrial safety
Expert examination of technical devices
Examination of buildings and structures
Examination of project documentation
Licensing of hazardous production objects
Registration of hazardous production facilities
The plan of localization and liquidation of consequences of accidents (PMLA)
Provision of production control (SPC)
The procedure for investigating incidents (AT)
The plan of liquidation of emergency oil spill (OSRP)
Declaration of industrial safety
Safety justification Gro
Non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics
Development of technical documentation
The system of industrial safety management


The Autonomous Republic Of Crimea
Simferopol city

str. Petropavlovskaya, 3, str. 401

tel. +7 (978) 900-01-62
tel. +7 (3652) 668-060
Actual on 01.01.2018