Sirius Overalls. Simferopol, Ukraine

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GK Sirius, of course, is in the top five of manufacturers of workwear in the country. Established in 1998 as a small Association of several entrepreneurs, today the Group of companies "Sirius" became almost – the largest in Russia and CIS manufacturer and supplier of quality work clothes and work shoes, uniforms and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Our company is committed to integrated providing our customers with not only the listed above products, and all that is necessary for the workers to protection against influence of dangerous and harmful factors in the workplace.


The Autonomous Republic Of Crimea
Simferopol city

str. Kozlova, 14

tel. +7 (978) 888-60-64
tel. +7 (988) 508-17-33
tel. +7 (978) 210-23-24
Actual on 01.01.2018