Protecting Your rights and interests.
The main activities of OOO "Sirius group" is providing accounting and legal services to small and medium enterprises and private entrepreneurs, physical persons.
In the Crimea there is a difficult legal situation, on the one hand continue to apply the old norms of the Ukrainian legislation to the end of the transitional period - 01.01.2015, partially on the other already works legislation of the Russian Federation. Remained only a few months, which you must adapt to the legal field of the Russian Federation.
Legal and accounting firm OOO "Sirius group" has been providing extensive range of legal and accountancy services throughout the Republic of Crimea at the most affordable prices. We offer to You as one-time services for the preparation of any documents, filing, maintenance and subscription services for any period of time by the conclusion of appropriate agreements.
We take the side of our customers and are always looking for the best solutions to all accounting and legal issues. After a thorough study of the problem we are acting in the interests of the client in accordance with applicable law within the legal field. Clients are our partners, whom the company appreciates and respects the work of each of them.
We work on two major schemes – a complete subscription accounting and/or legal services, or one-time predostavlenie those services.
In the cost of our services includes costs that usually arise when maintaining the workplace of an accountant and a lawyer. You don‘t need to buy stationery, forms, periodicals and other goods. You don‘t have to pay payroll taxes staff accountant or a lawyer.
The provision of the services will be carried out by experienced, qualified specialists in your industry, with relevant experience in major companies of the country.
We (the staff of open company "Legal Alliance") are working to ensure that You could at any time apply for free legal aid to prevent possible negative consequences of different life situations!
And if the consequences had occurred, was able to get us to a solution to the problem of free - the best, cheapest and fastest way with 100% guarantee results!
The services of professional lawyers with experience win-win court practice for over 10 years!
Economical affordable prices! Guarantee! Responsibility! For You all free advice!
All types of legal services: protecting victims ‘ rights in criminal cases, drafting claims, complaints, statements on legal issues, representation of interests in court of the plaintiffs, defendants, third parties, family, housing, labor, pension disputes
The consultation is free.
Law Bureau "STATUS" provides the following services:
* Complex support of business interests in Crimea:
- creation of enterprises and their legal services.
- work with joint-stock companies and securities;
- obtaining permits for doing business from entities operating in Crimea;
compliance and audit;
- registration of enterprises as subjects of FEZ;
- staff training algorithms legal security;
- the use of GR practices in the interests of the client.
* Criminal defense:
- organization of a complex of legal measures of protection during pre-trial (preliminary) investigation and hearing in court;
- representation of interests of victims and civil claimants in all stages of the criminal process.
* Dispute resolution:
- mediation / mediation;
- recovery of debts owed to creditors;
- execution of judicial decisions taking into account the Crimean specifics.
* Property and construction:
- assisting transition, or confirmation of ownership of the property in Crimea;
- re-registration of rights of ownership and use of land plots;
- comprehensive legal support of construction of few - and multi-family houses.
* The gambling business and IT-law:
- interaction with state authorities on the proper application of the legislation in the sphere of gambling business;
- representation of clients ‘ interests during inspections of law enforcement agencies;
- legal support of clients while bringing to responsibility for violation of legislation in the sphere of gambling business;
- legal support of an Internet project from idea generation and development to commercial launch and distribution of software, including mobile applications.
- preparation of agreements on the creation and transfer of rights in the software, as well as documents related to the protection of rights to intellectual property created in the course of duty.
* Recreational law and energy:
- legalization, standardization and certification of hotel business;
- legal support of all forms of business organization in the energy sector.