Lawyer Maramygin Pavel Vladislavovich. Uzhgorod, Ukraine

Views: 102

Ensure the representation and protection of interests of business entities and individuals in courts of all instances in civil, commercial, criminal cases, cases of administrative offenses.
Services connected with registration, reorganization and liquidation of enterprises of all forms of ownership and organizational-legal forms (including non-profit).
Legal support of financial and economic activities of the enterprises, SPD (subscription service).
Consultations on legal issues.
The certificate of right to advocacy № 21/490 from 03 January 2006 issued by the Zakarpattia oblast KDKA.


Transcarpathian region
Uzhgorod city

88017, str. Zagorskaya, 51
Zagorskaya str., 51, str. 1

tel. +380 (050) 289-20-73
tel. +380 (50) 289-20-73

Actual on 01.01.2018