Karniz-Flex. Cornflowers, Ukraine

Views: 143

"Company KARNIZ-FLEX" proponu plastikov knock of carnesi for curtains dominou to 50 m, pavni komplektas.

Plastic gnucci curtain – uncanny novacii product in yaponskimi ngenerally. Danian type ledge dozvola, stvoriti direct, encarni Chi bahadorani curtain s prostimi the folding Linyi vigina.

VSI komplektuyuchi for vstanovlennya Instrukcja z installation vzhe vkluchen to set.

You no more need to simulate alumni of karnesi the manufacturer, are Robit zkladn same, vigorously patterns, in advance opracowali, chekati on Yogo vigotovlennya paremmat gromadka design.

Pidhodit to vstanovlennya in kemnath apartments, private budynku, on balconies, in wanna kemnath, saunas, verandas, technonic primmest.

Not vsamom s polohou. Not vtrace of wlasciwosci at temperatures -35C to +45C. Not Botica saw that brudu. Navantazhennya player is awarded up to 15 kg per m/p.

VSI decal ledge vapout Visim standards of quality. When virobnictvo komplektuyuchi vykorystovuyutsia lachey promislow plastics scho vapout by zhorstky imogam for mcnet, Cologne spozywczym vlasivostok.


Kyiv region
Cornflowers city

Magnitogorska, 1e

tel. (050) 929-23-58

Actual on 01.01.2018