Vinnitsa, 21000,
str. Frunze, 32
tel. 50-70-00
The nationwide search portal "SUPERDOVIDKA.COM" established in September 2012, the Main activity of this resource is gathering and processing information about enterprises, goods and services at the local and regional markets and to provide available information to the population and enterprises.
The goal of the portal is a voluntary Association of telephone information and reference services to create and share unified information space of Ukraine.
Key tasks:
– the creation of a single information space through the exchange of market information between the official representatives of the Ukrainian directory services in our country. Exchange relevant market information about companies, products, services, organized in the format of a single software;
promoting goods and services through channels quick and easy access to a global database based on new information technologies. Promotion of the activities of our Association and access to the database;
- geographic expansion of a single information space through the involvement and establishment of organizations specializing in the collection and results of the market information as a regional representative of the resource;
- coordination of activity of participants of information exchange (regional Association representatives) in the process of creating a product Association of a single information space, aimed at stability and high quality;
- organization of training and exchange of experience aimed at the mastery of technology of exchange-delivery of information and streamlining business regional representatives of the Union reference services of Ukraine;
A member of the all-Ukrainian business search engine can be any legal entity, one of whose activities is the information service of the enterprises and population through the free information and help line phone.
The value of the information provided reference services, members services, providing information services that it is accurate by conducting daily exchange of information.
In cooperation with our resource directory services can:
- ability to organize your section with the search engine Superdovidka, and a host of organizations with reference to all regions (goods, services ) with a detailed description of the company and contact data ;
- an additional opportunity to attract large companies to help, by providing them access to the regional market (this is the location of their information in all the cities that are included in our site and in search engines on the websites help desks);
- competitive advantage over other reference services in your region;
- increase of prestige of the company by placing information about it in all regions of the members of this Association and the Internet space;
- ability to accommodate its subscribers ‘ requirements through the issuance of regional information;
- the ability to have a huge amount of information as a result of participation in the weekly exchange databases that you can use to conduct marketing research.
The project SUPERDOVIDKA designed to provide as much information as possible (if possible) for businesses and organizations that are engaged in many activities. Information base of enterprises contains the information about the enterprises of Vinnytsia region and will cover all of Ukraine .
The largest base of enterprises and proposals in the chosen area, will help you find all the necessary information to obtain contact details of the organization you are interested in. The best organizations and companies in its sphere of activity presented on the pages of the site for your review with them. And the contact data provided by each company and organization will help you at the appropriate time and to the extent necessary, to cooperate to achieve shared desired result.