Grey, center spinal health. Zaporozhye, Ukraine

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In "the health of the spine, Grey" specialist, spine provides expert assistance in:
- scoliosis
- kyphosis and kyphoscoliosis
- radiculitis
- osteochondrosis and its complications:
protrusion or hernia of intervertebral disks.

Treatment programs spine and comorbidities used in our "the health of the spine, Grey" include:

- Correction of the spine according to a unique methodology developed and proven in practice by our specialists.

- Various types of therapeutic, rehabilitative and preventive massage is an effective method as a deep tissue massage.

- Development of individual physical rehabilitation programmes.

- Individual recommendations on adjustments to lifestyle and follow-up of the patient to prevent possible recurrence.



Zaporizhzhia region
Zaporozhye city

proezd Levanevskogo, 10, str. 13 (ost. a

tel. +380 (61) 236-94-76; +380 (61)
Actual on 01.01.2018